Email from a camper’s therapist after Camp Cadi

My client is teenage survivor. She is brilliant, not only according to me but also according to national test scores. In addition to her brilliance, she has a creative talent that is nothing less than extraordinary. Unfortunately this brilliant and creative young girl is struggling. For years she lived with secrets, forced to detach and disconnect from the pain in order to survive. 

Trauma-focused therapy compares memories of abuse and trauma to an abyss, and believes healing depends on processing the memories to remove the emotional charge. While at one time necessary for her survival, she continues to detach herself by intellectualizing and disconnecting from her feelings, preventing her from genuine processing and healing. That was however, until she attended Camp CADI.

Camp CADI offered my client the freedom to face the darkness – the violence, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and the anger, sadness, and fear.

Camp CADI gave my client permission to be who she is both past and present, and for the first time, she has a sense of a future. She is no longer alone, floating and floundering, but she has found a place where she belongs.

The first session following her experience at Camp CADI, she was different. She felt empowered to help the other campers and stated intentions of returning as a counselor. In order to do so she recognizes the need to first help herself. 

Camp CADI gave my client a community, a connection, a path – and she finally feels strong enough to begin her journey through the abyss. For the first time she feels strong enough to heal. Thank you Camp CADI for showing her the way.